Social Responsibilities

At Standage, we appreciate that the company operates within a framework that involves customers, suppliers, employees, the local community and the environment. Our aim is to run a profitable company but to be respected at the same time for doing so.

Therefore we believe in the continuing process of building long-term value. We do this by:


  • Promoting team work
  • Treating our supply chain fairly
  • Investing in the local community
  • Investing in our employees
  • Improving our green credentials
  • Doing what we say we will and when

While it is easy for customers to see the fruits of our labour when we complete a project, they might also like to know that

  • The Company has supported employees through higher level construction courses at University and other related courses such as NEBOSH Certificates in Construction Health & Safety
  • Standage provides ongoing training for managers, office and site staff and sub contractors in order that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from education
  • We sponsor local sports teams and support local community groups



From left: Vernon Neve-Dunn (Southwark Tigers RFC),
Father Christmas, Mike Kozdon (Wharmby Kozdon,
Architects), John O’Connell (Standage),
Jim Hannon (Standage),
Charlotte Glazier (Southwark Council)
